Visit Alvina from Podernouvo has agreed to write some posts about the food from Tuscany.

Simple Conversions - Liquids - 1 cup / 250 ml / 8 fl oz Solids - 20 g / 1/2 oz; 125 g / 4 oz; 500g / 1 lb C to F - 120C / 250 F; 180 C / 355 F ; 200 C / 390 F mm to in - 1cm / 1/2 in; 5cm / 2 in Boneless meat or chicken - 450g /1lb

Friday, November 18, 2011

Wash and Wear...Recipe for Great Fitting Jeans

So you finally found a great pair of jeans and shelled out some big bucks for them. They fit perfect and make your butt look great. What's next? You need to take good care of them. There are denim collectors that actually believe you should never wash your jeans. Now I find that ridiculous, but I do believe in the old fashion handwash method. You're no doubt thinking this woman is crazy. I don't have time for that. Well I don't either, but with my method it only takes a few minutes longer and your jeans will look great forever. First of all, if you don't throw your jeans in the family wash pile you won't have hubby or the kids washing them for you along with everything else on a super long cycle. It's not the washing that ruins your jeans, it's all the heat and unnecessary agitation that takes it toll. I like to turn my jeans inside out and wash them on a gentle, short cycle in cold water. I also stop the machine and just let the jeans soak for a few minutes. If you think about it one long regular agitation cycle is like wearing them hundreds of times. This is especially important for embellished jeans or jeans made from the new softer denims. It also does wonders for preventing fading, especially on black jeans. I also hang my jeans to dry as once again one tumble in the dryer is like wearing them over and over.  Shrinkage is really not an issue with jeans as most premium denim is highly processed in the design and manufacture. In fact I find it almost impossible to shrink a pair of jeans. But just the washing process will get them nicely back in shape. If you like throw them in the dryer for a few minutes before wearing to soften them up. A little loving care will go along way to keeping that expensive pair of jeans looking great. 

1 comment:

  1. Makes a lot of sense. My daughter was actually advised not to wash her new jeans - they would probably walk themselves to the washing machine after a while!

    I actually don't iron my jeans - a few minutes in the dryer on high, pat pat and smooth smooth does the trick.


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