Visit Alvina from Podernouvo has agreed to write some posts about the food from Tuscany.

Simple Conversions - Liquids - 1 cup / 250 ml / 8 fl oz Solids - 20 g / 1/2 oz; 125 g / 4 oz; 500g / 1 lb C to F - 120C / 250 F; 180 C / 355 F ; 200 C / 390 F mm to in - 1cm / 1/2 in; 5cm / 2 in Boneless meat or chicken - 450g /1lb

Monday, October 17, 2011


Hi there
Yes, I know it looks different but  wait,  it's the same blog!  While you are enjoying  'fit in your jeans cuisine'  we thought you may need an update as to how to wear your jeans so you look fabulous.

There's nothing like a great fitting pair of jeans and yet, one of the hardest things to find unless you have to know the rules.  So I have enlisted the expert help of Renotta, who could write a book about styles, length, what shoes and tops to wear etc........ and  Lynee Follow That Girl    "We have over 1300 pairs of jeans in our store and an all-consuming passion to find the perfect pair for everyone who walks through our door."
We look forward to answering your questions about jeans because that is our passion.


To What Length Should You Go? Adapted from 'Jean Scene' 
and Follow That Girl the latest from Lynee
We could write a book about the length of jeans. Suffice it to say most jeans are too long and need to be shortened.  If you're a jeanophile, you know that the original hem needs to be reattached. There's nothing worse than jeans looking like your mom chopped them off for you or shrunk them in the dryer.  At 'Shop at Nextdoor', Milwaukee USA, we have perfected the art of reattaching the original hem so when you purchase your jeans, we'll shorten them for a small fee.  But since you may not live here, here are a few hints you can apply.    
Firstly, you need someone in the know re the 'New York' method of shortening jeans so your best bet would be your specialist jeans store or boutique. 

The next decision is how long should they be?  That's where we come in.  Having shortened over ten thousand pairs, we feel we have something to say about it.  For starters we're just going to deal with bootcut, flare, and trouser jeans. We'll leave the skinnies and leggings for next time. We all know we want to look fabulously tall and lean in our jeans even if we're not. So here's our rule of thumb: if your shoes show, your jeans are too short. You want your jeans to just skim the ground, about 1/4" short of dragging. It gives you that long continuous line even if it's an illusion for most of us.
The next thing you need to deal with is what shoes you will be wearing. Unfortunately, you can't wear one pair of jeans with flats, comfy heels, and killer spikes. We're good, but we're not magicians. You have to pick one height shoe and go with it. And yes, it means you have to have more than one pair of designer jeans. We'll say it again, there's nothing like a great fitting pair of jeans. And there's nothing worse than a pair of jeans that are too short! 

Renotta (jeanophile)
Renee (fashion blogger)



  1. Hi C,
    Love what you did with the blog and website. Now that I am through with all the fashion shows, I can get back to the tasks at hand. As you know, I have been dieting seriously since July, for health and yes vanity reasons. 12 pounds of fat has miraculously disappeared from around my middle. All your delicious recipes make dieting so much easier. This evening we're entertaining a neighbor at the cabin, so I'm trying out some more of your suggestions. I especially love how you make everything look so beautiful. I'll let you know how my meal goes.


  2. I KNEW you looked way thinner!! Woot woot! :)


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