Visit Alvina from Podernouvo has agreed to write some posts about the food from Tuscany.

Simple Conversions - Liquids - 1 cup / 250 ml / 8 fl oz Solids - 20 g / 1/2 oz; 125 g / 4 oz; 500g / 1 lb C to F - 120C / 250 F; 180 C / 355 F ; 200 C / 390 F mm to in - 1cm / 1/2 in; 5cm / 2 in Boneless meat or chicken - 450g /1lb

Monday, December 5, 2011

Just love those small bites!

Ok - the party was fun as you can see but the finger food was amazing, thanks to all who brought along tantalising, small bites.  I love them!!!!

Kofters went over really well - served  with cucumber salad, yoghurt sauce and mango chutney ; we didn't get around to the prawns due to the excellence of the contributions, but go to Finger food for the recipes I have collected for this kind of occasion.
Lamb Kofters again

The video tells the story - click on the arrow.
Wish you could all have been here with us.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Clara. The video makes it twice as memorable.


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