Visit Alvina from Podernouvo has agreed to write some posts about the food from Tuscany.

Simple Conversions - Liquids - 1 cup / 250 ml / 8 fl oz Solids - 20 g / 1/2 oz; 125 g / 4 oz; 500g / 1 lb C to F - 120C / 250 F; 180 C / 355 F ; 200 C / 390 F mm to in - 1cm / 1/2 in; 5cm / 2 in Boneless meat or chicken - 450g /1lb

Friday, February 4, 2011

Chicken salad easy choice for heat wave.

This is how I feel

 Today is soooooo hot in Sydney - 42 degrees !!!!!!!  The keyboard of my laptop feels like an oven.  We don't get many days this hot, and being near the water we are lucky since we get a sea breeze.  Even that doesn't seem to be working today.

I have taken off any jewelry, and am wearing white shorts which show my knees, not my best asset although being a walker I do have excellent calves.  But the sure sign that it is hot is that I am sleeveless!!!!  This is a major indicator and no, I'm not taking a photo.

It's time to think about dinner and because I can't use my trusty oven, it's going to be BBQ'd Chicken Salad.  We still have a wonderful basil crop going so will do it with an Italian twist.

Here's a recipe but you don't really need one - I went vege shopping yesterday so have heaps to choose from  - tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms,  red onion / shallots, leafy greens,  avocado.   A nutritious and tasty salad suitable for any weather.  Clara

Serves 4
Chicken pieces - bake or BBQ 2 chicken breasts marinated in some of the dre ssing.  When cool, slice diagonally and set aside.
Choose leaves of different colours - tear or leave whole.   Add other salad ingredients of your choice such as cherry tomatoes, red onion, cucumber and avocado and toss together with dressing. 

For Basil & Caper dressing - pulse to a smooth paste:-
1/2 cup basil
2 cloves garlic
1  to 2 tbsp capers
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil1
1/2 tbsp lemon juice
1tsp Dijon mustand
Salt & Pepper
Salad with basil & caper dressing

BBQ chicken breast

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