Visit Alvina from Podernouvo has agreed to write some posts about the food from Tuscany.

Simple Conversions - Liquids - 1 cup / 250 ml / 8 fl oz Solids - 20 g / 1/2 oz; 125 g / 4 oz; 500g / 1 lb C to F - 120C / 250 F; 180 C / 355 F ; 200 C / 390 F mm to in - 1cm / 1/2 in; 5cm / 2 in Boneless meat or chicken - 450g /1lb

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New foodie blog - Fit in Your Jeans Cuisine

It's a collection of taste oriented cuisine, with health and fitness in mind.   

Could we ever imagine a world without your favourite jeans? To me, they epitomise and overlap many generations, and many of you will do what it takes from a mental, culinary and physical perspective to continue to be able to 'Fit in Your Jeans".

Join G and I as we exercise with a purpose ie to enjoy the magnificent foreshores and other delightful walks around Mosman; to reach casual culinary destinations such as Burnt Orange, Balmoral Cafe etc;    or BYO , as with 'A Picnic at Cremorne Point'.

Today for our launch, it was a bright, bright sunshiny Sydney winter day at Balmoral, where we had lunch.  I take G to lunch on Saturday, and if I play my cards right, he takes me to a more substantial meal over the weekend accompanied by a glass of two of vino. 

Recipes  will be included along the way -  or Clara's version thereof, specially designed to allow you to enjoy fragrant, taste oriented food -  and still be able to Fit in your Jeans. 

But for today,  enjoy the video re our walk - I have to thank G for being patient, (not always his default position), as I stop to take photos, then run to catch up.

1 comment:

  1. I love it, you blogger you. Makes me hungry, I'm on the way to the market!



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